Please contact the office to book a time if you need to come in. Otherwise, phone and emails will be answered during regular office hours 8:00 am – 2:30 pm, Monday – Friday.
Please contact us at 604-557-1913 or email us at for further inquiries, questions or concerns.
Services and Support
If you are looking for information or support because you or someone you know has had an acquired brain injury, please contact us.
The Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association (FVBIA) provides a variety of services including case management services, support groups and drop-in centres.
A variety of community-based recreation programs are going on throughout the Valley at any given time.
See our latest newsletter for current times and locations for all activities.
We also have a number of annual events including the The Brain Injury Golf Classic, and the Christmas Party and Silent Auction fundraiser.
You can also contact us for more details about any of the following:
- Resources and Information
- General information on acquired brain injury (ABI)
- Presentations on prevention and awareness of brain injury
- Education for family members, including children and siblings of survivors
- Training and education for professionals
- Resource Materials and Community Resources
Case Management

Effective 1-1 case management is the cornerstone to recovery after acquired brain injury.
FVBIA offers skilled Case Managers to identify areas of need and help navigate the complex path back into the community.
Contact us for more information.